(855) 597-3287
135 Riverside Pkwy, Suite 2P
Austell, GA 30168 USA
9:00AM to 5:00 PM
Sunday closed
Regardless of experience or background, our protection officers are expected to complete more than 150 hours training which exceeds minimum standards required by the State of Georgia; 24 hours unarmed, and an additional 15 hrs for armed.
Training is presented by the Center for Security and Antiterrorism Training (CENSECATTRA), and adjunct instructors from law enforcement, the fire service, and experienced security practitioners.
Basic security training includes Jurisdiction; Customer Service; Constitutional Law; Criminal Law; Civil Law; Authority to Apprehend; Use of Force; Deadly Force; Weapon Retention; and Basic Life Support to name a few.
Our officers are also trained in Less Than Lethal options which include verbal judo, taser, pepper spray (OC), and baton.