(855) 597-32873
135 Riverside Pkwy, Suite 2P
Austell, GA 30168 USA
9:00AM to 5:00 PM
Sunday closed
Protective Services
Close Protection
Executive, Dignitary, VIP, and Celebrity Protection
The structure of our American democratic society depends on the intimate association of the people with their chosen leaders. But the dissidents and disaffected of the far left and the far right, and the attempt to isolate public figures from the people.
In the face of impeded movement or attempts to embarrass, kidnap, or even assassinate them, many leaders, executives, and VIPs have courageously continued to meet and communicate with the public. They do this despite demonstrations, threats of violence, and assaults. Such violent incidents generate widespread fear. They endanger life. And they interfere with the conduct of business and diplomatic relations. One means of preventing or reducing exposure to violence and of increasing personal safety is through the provision of “protective services.”
Providing “protective services” requires a mindset that differs dramatically from the norm. Protecting people demands highly-skilled protection specialist with forward-thinking anticipation of what might occur and developing pre-planned responses in mitigating risk that ultimately may lead to embarrassment, kidnapping, or physical harm of the protected.
At Principle Intelligence we help our clients to develop and manage protection programs. We do this by embracing the best practices, research and methodologies employed by agencies within our government that protect the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense.
We are not your average uneducated “bodyguard.” Our board certified protection specialist have the knowledge, specialized skills, and abilities to satisfy your close protection needs. ALWAYS EFFECTIVE, and DISCREET or VISIBLE as the situation dictates.
Our close protection services include:
We protect…